
Expertise on video games culture and the potential of games.

Here you will find an overview of current brochures, guidebooks and other publications that have been produced as part of our work. All publications are available as PDFs for free download.

Stiftung Digitale Spielekultur gGmbH
Marburger Str. 2 | D 10789 Berlin

Booklet: Remembering with Games – Ten Key Questions on Using Game-Based Digital Formats in Remembrance Culture

How can digital games develop a fitting and respectful approach to history, and to the National Socialist era in particular? The ten guiding questions offer orientation for the development of ideas for game-based formats in the culture of remembrance and at the same time leave enough room for creative experiment and innovation. (available in English)

We also released a compendium containing articles by experts from different backgrounds discussing the ten key questions (only available in German).


Image brochure of the Foundation for Digital Games Culture

The image brochure of the Foundation for Digital Game Culture provides an overview of our goals, work, and the thematic focus areas of culture, education, and research.