
Healthcare Game Jam

Benjamin Rostalski
Project Lead
An interdisciplinary game jam weekend on healthcare innovation through games.

Healthcare professionals are the backbone of our healthcare system. The nursing sector in particular is faced with the challenge of recruiting new trainees. The Covid pandemic has made the shortage of skilled workers even more apparent. Therefore, the attractiveness and social importance of the healthcare professions must be communicated to the general public. Often, people only think of nursing care for the elderly or the sick, but healthcare professions include interesting and diverse activities within the entire healthcare system.

For this reason, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin and the Foundation for Digital Games Culture invited experts from the healthcare sector and the field of game development to the online Healthcare Game Jam from 12 to 14 November 2021. In this format, we wanted to show how games may motivate young people to take up a healthcare profession and sought to educate the general public about the important contribution of healthcare professionals.

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