
The fascination games hold for people makes them an ideal medium for educational content. Regardless of the players’ age, educational background, or level of interest in technology, games always find a way to touch people and to convey their message in a playful way.

Our educational programmes and initiatives comprise workshops, projects at schools, holiday camps, academies and much more. Under the title ‘Games machen Schule’ (Games for school lessons), the foundation has conducted two separate research projects at schools in Berlin and North Rhine-Westphalia. The aim of these projects was to demonstrate if and how curricular learning objectives can be achieved with the help of games. The pilot project in Berlin was funded by the Senate Department for Education, Youth and Family, while the feasibility study in North Rhine-Westphalia was funded by that state’s Ministry of Schools and Education.

Among other projects, we also support children and teenagers from educationally disadvantaged families through ‘Stärker mit Games’ (Stronger with games), an initiative funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

Foundation for Digital Games Culture
Marburger Str. 2 | D 10789 Berlin | Germany